Dan Gorelick

Dan at Landers

Dan Gorelick is an artist who uses classical instruments and computation to create sonic experiences that connect people to themselves, each other, and the natural world. His current project, ATC Listening Station, creates a shared meditative soundscape by blending live air traffic control radio with generative synths. The piece was exhibited with the New Museum and was featured in the New York Times

His work explores how music, as a time-based medium, serves as a vehicle to appreciate timescales—human, biological, geological—and to promote awareness of our relationship with nature and climate. His practice draws inspiration from deep listening approaches, exploring the meditative, healing, and connective nature of sound. 

Dan is based between the Bay Area and New York City, and gives talks and workshops on the creative possibilities of technology. He is a member of the Art & Code NEW INC Year 10 and 11 cohort.